KFC Ghaziabad Indrapuram, Ghaziabad Store Address, Phone Number, Contact Number, Email Address

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Title : KFC Ghaziabad Indrapuram, Ghaziabad Store Address, Phone Number, Contact Number, Email Address

Name  : KFC Ghaziabad Indrapuram, Uttar Pradesh Store (Contact Details)

KFC Store Location  : Ghaziabad Indrapuram, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh

KFC Store Address : Shop no. 131-133, Ghaziabad Indrapuram, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh.

KFC Store Phone Number :  n/a

KFC Store Mobile Number : n/a

KFC What’s App Number : n/a

KFC Store Fax Number : n/a

KFC Store Email ID :  n/a

Official Website : www.online.kfc.co.in

Customer Care Numbers  : 3399-4444

Toll-Free Helpline Number :  n/a

Customer Service eMail ID  :  n/a

Customer Care Timings :  n/a

Head Office :  Mumbai, Maharashtra

Customer Care Office :  Mumbai, Maharashtra

About  : Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) is US based food chain headquartered in Kentucky. KFC is famous for its chicken dishes throughout the world. In India, they serve by adding Indian spices to give local flavor. Hot & Crispy Chicken, Fiery Grilled bucket options, Chicken Zinger Burger, Rice Bowlz, 5-in-1 Meal Box, Krushers, etc. are the most popular dishes among Indians. It is one of the largest food chains in India.